Richard Brix Memorial и Dusan Krisko Memorial

БФКШ получи покана за участие на двама наши шахматисти в мемориални турнири организирани от словашката федерация по кореспондентен шах. Подробности за турнирите по-долу. Условие за участие е: За първия Ело> над 2460, а за втория Ело над 2590 ! Заявки до 3 декември на Администратора на БФКШ Симеон Винчев.
Dusan Krisko Memorial (SVK)
13 players
Start date: February 2010
Prize fund: 1000 EUR
TD: IA Karel Glaser (CZE)
Main organiser: Milan Manduch (SVK)
Dusan Krisko (1944-1995) was a strong Slovak correspondence chess player. He won the 5th Championship of Slovakia in 1982 and the 9th Czechoslovakia Cup in 1989. In the Finals of the XXII and XXIII Czechoslovakian Championships in 1987-88 and 1989-90, he finished in 4th place. 2010 will be the 15th anniversary of his sudden death. Slovak chess players would like to commemorate him by organising an international invitation tournament.
Richard Brix Memorial (SVK)
15 players
Start date: February 2010
Prize fund: 3000 EUR
TD: IA Karel Glaser (CZE)
Main organiser: Milan Manduch (SVK)
Richard Brix (1906-1980) was an important organiser of correspondence chess tournaments both in Slovakia and Czechoslovakia. He was born in Kelc (Czech Republic). In 1932 he married a Slovak woman and moved to Bratislava (Slovakia) where he started to organise correspondence chess competitions. His efforts included the organisation of the 1st and 2nd Slovakian Championships in 1941-45. After World War II his organisational activities covered all Czechoslovakia. From 1950 until 1963, he was main organiser of correspondence chess competitions. He significantly contributed to the development of correspondence chess in Slovakia and in 2010 it will be the 30th anniversary of the death of Richard Brix. Slovakian chess players would like to commemorate him by organising an international invitation tournament.